Friday, April 26, 2019

What Do You Do with Disappointment?

Many times, and sometimes with me, disappointment leads to discouragement and discouragement leads to quitting. Are we going to face disappointment in life? Of course! Everyone does! At one point in John 6 Jesus had a large crowd of disciples following Him and they all left except for the 12 and Jesus asked them if they would go too. Peter answered, “Where shall we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life.” What about the Garden and Jesus said, “Let this cup pass from me! But not my will but Yours be done!”

 It’s always good to report successes. I like to tell successes and I’m guessing you like to hear them. We’ve had some successes. 2 Sundays ago, we had 14 in attendance but last Sunday we had 5 – a lot of people gone for various reasons. Our Bible Club’s attendance has been disappointing for me. We’ve now gone through 2 weeks of “starting” our Bible Clubs with very small or no attendance. I’m not exactly sure why but I tend to spend time thinking about it. Even in these situations I have to decide how to respond or react. We’ve had some positives even with this – we’ve had some new people to come! We’ve had 1 good beginners Bible Club after Sunday worship where we had 7 in attendance!

What do I choose? First and foremost, I’ve been praying about all of this and the work here. Please continue to join me in prayer! I don’t have the answers, but God does! I’m striving to look at new ways to meet people and reach out to them. I refuse to go down the negative road!

We’ve had one young preacher come and spend the weekend with us and he did a nice job. Pray for Ivan. This weekend Artur L. and his fiancé Mariana from L’viv comes in today and leave Sunday night. Pray for Artur L. Next weekend we have Artur M. come in from Dnipro. Please pray for Artur M and our decision making about a Ukrainian Preacher to work with us here.

There is a LOT to be encouraged about! Satan will NOT win for “If God for us, who is against us!?” Romans 8:31.


  1. Brother Doug,
    Satan will try his best to discourage us from doing what is good and right. But we know God has the strength to overcome disappointment. We shed a few tears , Pray, Pray, oh did I say Pray, get up and press forward. His Word gives us so much encouragement knowing there was many before us who struggled but God saw them through! Faith is the Victory that overcomes the world! I will add you and the brethren there to my prayer list! Remember your just beginning again there and establishing a new routine so be patient and God will help you through these rough times! You are a Blessing and remember you are Christ’s Hands to serve the people to show them Him in all things! Love you Brother Fight the good Fight!
    Your Sister,
    Christine Woodall
    P.S. post on Facebook each time you make an entry here. If you would please. Thank You ��

  2. Thank you Christine for your encouragement! I appreciate it so much! Send me your email address on Messenger and I'll add you to my email group to get this blog.
    In Christ,
